Home Relaxation

Posted by DimO | 11:17 PM | , | 0 comments »

Home relaxation has become increasingly necessary because more and more people are working from home. The biggest challenge with home relaxation is that your home is your office. What that means is that the dividing line between home and work can become hazy and you can very easily get caught up in work and neglect your other duties.

Home relaxation when incorporated into your day provides a way for you to enjoy the longevity and vibrancy of life. Having a soak in the tub, cooking, gardening, watching TV or washing the dishes are all forms of home relaxation.

Home relaxation can be even more challenging if you have children. You will need to find the time to juggle your responsibilities as a father with your professional responsibilities. One way in which you can do this is to be focused. When you are focused you only do what is necessary at the moment.

If you are all over the map putting out fires, then you will be distracted.

Home relaxation helps you to find the time to focus when you get all caught up in work so that you can enjoy the longevity and the vibrancy of life.

Home relaxation in order to be effective needs to be one of your scheduled daily activities. This is possible in your busy day because of Ipods, portable CD players and lap top computers. It is now very easy to play relaxation CDs in your home. It is profoundly important that you follow a daily routine for home relaxation because you may not be aware of how long you have been working without taking a break.

A daily schedule for home relaxation ensures that you find more time to take a break, breathe and focus. This break prevents you from getting totally immersed in work at the expense of your health. This home relaxation break allows you to have the time to enjoy the longevity and the vibrancy of life.

In conclusion:

Home relaxation especially for the work at home person is critically important because it is very easy to get lost in work when working from home. Home relaxation helps you find the time to take a break so that you can breathe and stay focused. If this break is taken on a daily basic you will have more time to enjoy the longevity and the vibrancy of your life.

There are a variety of relaxation techniques that can be used to manage stress. In some cases they are used in conjunction with each other to make the process easier or more effective. The underlying principle behind these techniques is to change your mental and physical states from one of tension to one of tranquility. Here are a list of popular techniques :

1. Meditation

Meditation has been recognized as a way to alter your mental state for hundreds of years and is well documented in many eastern religions. Meditation is effectively trying to think of nothing. It is like powering off your mind or brain and letting all the cares, worries and stress fade into nothing. You sit in a comfortable spot in a peaceful room and try to think of nothing, the void or emptiness . You will find this extremely hard. Odd or random thoughts will start popping into your mind. As you continue to concentrate on nothingness you will find that the random thoughts tend to recede. You will get fewer and fewer thoughts and a calmness will enter your body and mind as time passes. You might eventually get to the stage where the only thought you have is about thinking about nothing. Many people use chants or concentrate on one thing, like a part of the body, to help all the mind chatter recede. At the end of a meditation session you will feel energized and quite happy.

2. Relaxing music/subliminal relaxation recordings.

Music is a simple way to relax. It can be as straightforward or complex as you choose to make it. Simply put on a music CD from your favorite artist. You can have it playing in the background as you do other things or you can focus all your attention on it by just sitting in a comfortable chair an listening to it. This can help you take your mind off of all the stressful experience that you have faced or will be facing. This can relieve stress. If you are more interested in relaxation music there are a number of specially created tapes which feature relaxing sounds or sounds of nature. They are more suitable to having as background music and the aim is that they will soothe your senses and help you to relax. Another form of relaxation music are spoken word relaxation techniques that help you to relax by following there instructions. This can also involve subliminal recordings whereby music plays and the spoken word cannot be audibly heard but on a subliminal level.

3. Physical techniques can help to calm the mind but more importantly the body.

-- Deep breathing is a popular method for relaxation. It is very simple to do and can be done anywhere. It is thought that deep breathing bring extra oxygen into the body and stimulates the production of endorphins into the bloodstream which have a calming effect. Deep breathing also forces the diaphragm to expand and contract more than normal and this can gently press upon vital organs like the liver, lungs and heart. This has the effect of massaging the vital organs which is thought to be good for the organs.

-- Progressive muscular relaxation works by pinpointing one group of muscles at a time in the body. For example, you could select the hands. You start by tensing the muscles of the hands by clenching a fist. You hold this for a few minutes and then let it go and relax the muscles. This relaxing effect is good for the muscles. You work through the whole body doing this technique until all the muscle groups are relaxed. This technique requires some practice as it is often hard to isolate muscle groups and know how to tense and relax these particular muscle groups without tensing and relaxing other muscle groups at the same time.

4. Relaxation response

Relaxation response is similar to meditation in many ways but is more focused on the body rather than any spiritual element. It was devised by Dr. Herbert Benson. The aim is to start at the feet and work your way up to the head. Sit comfortably in a quiet place and concentrate on relaxing the muscles in your feet. Gradually imagine and then feel the muscles relaxing. They may feel warm as your concentration continues to focus on them. Once you feel that they are relaxed move onto the calves and so on until you reach the head. Focus on each body part and try to relax. Let all other thoughts, except the body part in question, fall away.

5. Yoga

Yoga combines element of all of the above techniques and can be a way to de-stress and relax. Yoga concentrates on breathing and a series of movements which are aimed at stretching the various parts of the body. Yoga can involve meditation or can be seem as purely a physical exercise. In both cases the body can reduce stress and relax by practicing yoga.

6. Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is the use of scents and fragrances to change the mental state. Many extracts of plants, herbs and woods can have a relaxing effect on the body which can reduce stress. Scents of lavender, chamomile and geranium are some that are believed to reduce stress. You will find many shops that sell a variety of aromatherapy products. Many will give advice on how to use the product and what the aim of the product is. The product is usually a solution or oil that you heat up. As the oil heats up the fragrances pass through the room and induce a state of relaxation in the mind and body. Again, aromatherapy can be combined with relaxing music to heighten the state that you wish to achieve. Meditation is often conducted with incense to help focus the mind.

1. Build in "Do Not Disturb" Time:

For thirty minutes each day, schedule time for no electronic interruptions. Don't answer the telephone and don't check or send email. For some of us "Crack berry" addicts, that can seem unimaginable, but you'll find that even thirty minutes of uninterrupted time will enable you to accomplish more and feel less stressed. If you have little ones at home, try exchanging baby-sitting duties with a neighbor so that you can have thirty minutes to focus, without interruptions.

2. Be Here Now:

Most busy women multi-task. Cleaning house while on the telephone and coaching the kids' homework while preparing dinner. Try, instead, to be fully present while you do a single task. "Being here now", fully aware of what you're doing in the moment will quiet your mind and leave you more relaxed. For example, while you're chopping vegetables, allow your mind to drift. This brief mental vacation will recharge your batteries so that when you do work with the kids on their homework, you'll feel less stressed and both you and the children will enjoy it more.

3. Manage Your "To Do" List:

Each morning start your day by reviewing your "to do" list. Prioritize into "must do", "nice to do" and "whenever I get to it". If your "must dos" are more than you can manage in one day, consider alternatives. Can someone else take it on, or at least assist? Does it really have to be done today? If an item has been languishing on your "when I get to it" list, take it off. Seeing it every day is just a reminder that will induce guilt and stress. When you're really ready to do it, add it to the list and then just do it!

4. Reexamine Your Expectations:

From the time we're young, we're programmed to do and be the best. Admirable, but very difficult to achieve. Yes, you want to be the best wife, best mother, best friend, best employee, best daughter, best housekeeper and the list goes on. Just for today, decide which aspect of your life needs the most attention and place your focus there. Also, reexamine your "best of" list. Perhaps you shouldn't attempt to be the "best housekeeper" and "best cook" while you have three kids under the age of five. For now, focus on being the best mom. Gourmet cooking and art on the walls that doesn't involve crayons can come later.

5. Get Moving:

Knowing you need to exercise more and not doing it doesn't solve the problem and just increases your stress level. Instead, look at what you are doing and congratulate yourself. Holding a toddler on one hip while schlepping grocery bags? That counts as exercise!

Next, look for additional ways to add more calorie burning activities to your routine. Parking further away from your destination, ignoring elevators and taking the stairs, and going outside to play games instead of staying in are all ways to incorporate exercise in your day, while you reduce your stress level.

6. Laugh!:

You may not equate belly laughs with relaxation, but laughing reduces stress and makes you feel more relaxed. Find your commute raising your blood pressure? Put in a CD of your favorite comic. Had a tough day at work and now the kids are cranky? Put in a funny movie you all can enjoy, like Shrek or Finding Nemo.

7. Do What You Love:

It's easy to get so caught up in day-to-day activities and responsibilities that we forget to do what we love. We put our dreams on hold , assuming that someday we'll spend all our time doing what we love. Don't wait, start incorporating the things you love in your daily activities. Love music but don't have time to practice? Make time! Perhaps you can form a family band, with the less musically inclined contributing with a tambourine. It may not be Carnegie Hall, but it will be fun and relaxing.

8. Breathe:

Well, duh, we breathe everyday. To relax, though, be conscious of your breathing. Conscious breathing can be one of the fastest ways to relax, and it's something you can do anywhere. Stuck in the world's longest grocery line? Instead of fuming, breathe in through your nose for five seconds. Hold it for five seconds. Let it out through your mouth for five seconds. Conscious breathing will distract you from an annoying situation and make you feel more relaxed.

9. Take a 30-Second Vacation:

A fast way to feel relaxed is to take a quick vacation. Visualize your favorite vacation spot. Love the beach? Close your eyes and visualize the scene. Focus on the details and different senses. The feel the warm, gritty sand on your feet. The sound of the waves hitting the shore. The smell of the salty air and sun lotion. The feeling of relaxation and well-being.

Take a deep breath and come back to reality. As you return, bring that feeling of relaxation with you, knowing you can return to that vacation spot anytime you'd like.

10. Celebrate and Appreciate:

Studies have shown that people who keep a gratitude journal are generally happier. Whether you keep a journal or just spend a few minutes each day focusing on the positives in your life, you'll feel happier and more relaxed.

And The old advice to count your blessings really is a valuable tool to help you relax, feel less stressed and

We all know that looking after a baby takes up a lot of the parents’ time. A baby completely depends on his parents for his every need. We all know this, but most of us don’t completely comprehend just how intense this experience can be until the baby is born.

Having a baby is the most wondrous event in a person’s life. Nothing can replace that first look into a baby’s eyes, and the knowledge that this tiny human is a part of you, a part of your partner, and partly, uniquely, him- or herself.

Because a baby completely relies on you, and, as a mother, you have just gone through the process of bringing your newborn into the world, the first few months can be difficult. And no matter how much you love your new son or daughter, sometimes you might feel trapped and isolated from the outside world. There is no shame in this. Your life before you were a mother was, in all likelihood, completely different.

Whether your new baby is your firstborn or not, all of a sudden you have precious little “me” time. Especially if you already have another child, or two, you will find yourself trying to balance the needs of everyone else, from morning time to, quite often, the middle of the night when the baby wakes up and wants attention.

Everyone needs a little time for themselves, and some time away from the house, be it for a walk, or a visit to the shopping mall, or for some time spent just being you in the company of your friends, and having a laugh. Time dedicated to yourself will leave you feeling refreshed, and able to look after your family all the better.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Grandparents are often willing to baby-sit, other family members or friends are likely quite willing to do the same and you and your partner can take turns looking after your children to allow the other some space.

It can be difficult to leave your baby in the hands of others, the bond between mother and child is a strong one, but a grandparent has proven themselves successful in the raising of a child – you or your partner – and your baby will be safe with them. Even if it is just for an hour, time spent just the way you want is like charging that little inner battery. It’s vital to your wellbeing.

And time spent with your partner is crucial to your relationship – for at least some eighteen years your life will be shaped around your children. That’s a wonderful and rewarding way to spend those years, but it’s also lovely and healthy to get the occasional hours in your partner’s company.

When you do get some alone time with your partner, I advise you to go out for a nice dinner, go to see a movie you would both enjoy, or simply go for a walk to get in touch with nature and each other. Choose things you enjoyed doing before your baby arrived, perhaps even those enjoyments you shared when you were dating.

If you are both tired and happen to have the house to yourselves, how about a pleasant meal, a DVD and some rest and relaxation? These are just some suggestions, of course. You will know best what works for your and your partner.

However you choose to relax, do remember “me” time can do wonders. It’s not just beneficial for you; it will have a positive effect on the whole family, including your baby. A happy parent means happy children.

One of the most difficult aspects of today's society is the sheer mass of stress which most of us experience. It seems almost that everything conspires against good quality relaxation.

In fact, the pace and demands of modern life seems to be an obstacle to many possibly good things. Our health would be better if we could exercise more. We would not have to worry so much about weight loss, aging, disease, ill health, and stress if we could only find a little more time. In time, which we don't have much of anyway, we even begin to become stressed about all the stress we are under and our apparent lack of ability to do much about it!

When we think of things like exercise, meditation, yoga, and the like; things which could help us relax, reduce stress, lose weight, and be healthier, we become even more stressed. It's too complicated! It takes too much time!

Does this stuff really work anyway?

Well, it has long been known that simply learning certain deep breathing techniques can create a relaxed state in only a few minutes. By few, I mean as short a time as two or three minutes. While two or three minutes of deep breathing are not much protection against the "slings and arrows" of today's world, it's a start, and two or three minutes here and there throughout the day can add up.

Think about it. How many people have their evening ruined just because some jerk cut in front of them on the way home? It's not that it's an earth shattering event, but it is just one more stressful event in a day that has been full of them. What if you could take just a couple of minutes and erase the stress of that event and arrive home in a calmer, more relaxed state?

Then there's exercise. Regular, moderate exercise has been demonstrated to reduce accumulated stress and has a long list of other health benefits as well. It can improve our mental outlook and capacity, help us resist many diseases and conditions, including many associated with aging, while enhancing our ability to enjoy life to the fullest, physically and emotionally. While doing all this, it can help us experience a more relaxed state in our daily lives.

Okay, you're starting to get tense because I haven't gotten there yet, so just let me say that meditation is easy to learn as a formal practice and does reduce stress and induce relaxation. Better yet, a meditative state which produces these effects can be achieved without learning HOW to meditate. Deeply religious people at prayer, and people who take long walks experience many of the same benefits offered by a meditation session.

Okay, let's talk about yoga and relaxation.

Yoga is exercise with all the benefits normally associated physical activity.

Yoga induces the meditative state just as if you were to assume the lotus position and empty your mind.

Yoga breathing, an easy thing to learn, is exactly the type of deep breathing technique which encourages relaxation. This breathing technique, together with various movements, and positions (asana) can be done as one distinct yoga session, or can be tucked into available moments throughout the day to improve health and reduce stress.

Best of all, yoga is easy to learn, does not have to be done perfectly nor professionally to get results, and requires no special "yoga equipment" or clothing to get started enjoying the benefits of yoga.

Trust me, once you have experienced yoga relaxation, you will find yourself making the time necessary to do full length yoga sessions.

Smokers : Relax a Little

Posted by DimO | 9:44 PM | , | 0 comments »

Smokers great at excuses. If you asked any smoker why not? the answer always : I can't quit because .. bla bla bla bal.
Really !! who are you kidding !!
Those are excuses not reasons not even remotely logic .

And the biggest jock of these excuses is Smoking helps relaxation. Most smokers claim it helps them relax. But would you ever describe a smoker as relaxed ?

Their addiction (or habit) makes them nervous and jumpy. All things equal, a smoker will never relax as they once did before their drug.

Think about last time you ate in a restaurant. Isn't that a relaxing environment when you're eating your meal, in good company ? But that's not enough for the smoker. They're still not relaxed. They need a cigarette fix, even between courses, because they think that's what they need to relax.

Then they associate a temporary relaxation with the cigarette, rather than the environment and company. They don't even consider their non-smoker friends enjoyment might get ruined by smoking.

Let's look at the realities of the relaxation ruse. Nicotine is a stimulant, not a relaxant/depressant. A stimulant speeds up metabolism, not slows it down.

The 'smoking is relaxing' claim counts as yet another irrational excuse used by smokers who can't face up to quitting. The smoker genuinely feels a cigarette will relax him.

In reality it's the habit, expectation and association with relaxing situations that are the main reasons he feels relaxed. Sometimes it's even the deep breathing effect that helps relaxation.

Any sports person knows that deep breathing helps relax before an event. Difference is he's breathing fresh air, rather than poison ! Smokers actually credit their cigarette for a temporary benefit they get from deep breathing.

Most people agree stress and relaxation make two opposite conditions ? Many smokers think giving up will create more stress. They think their cigarettes are actually relieving stress.

Amazingly, cigarettes actually 'cause' the stress smokers think they're relieving ! Continual craving for another cigarette; guilt, helplessness at their inability to quit; low self-esteem , Any of this sound familiar ? At best, another cigarette temporarily reduces the stress caused by earlier cigarettes.

So we really should call the relaxation effect, the 'relaxation ruse'an illusion favored by uninformed smokers who wrongly credit their cigarette with relaxation.

Quitting smoking means a return to relaxation. Quitting smoking means a return to a clear head among many other benefits. Once you see through the relaxation ruse', you're much closer to finally quitting smoking once and for all.

We all get to a stage where we’ve just had it. We need a break. Well if a holiday is out of the question, try these relaxation techniques to revitalize your body and mind.


Join a local meditation group or buy one of the many instructional CD’s on the market. Be sure to meditate in an environment which is comfortable and with minimal noise and distractions. You may find yourself falling asleep the first few times you try this but it is a great way of relaxing and also provides you with greater concentration skills.

A simple way of relaxing the mind with minimal expense or training is with a method called Progressive Muscle Relaxation. Start by lying on the floor, on your back with your hands by your side, and your eyes closed. Imagine you are at the most relaxing place you could imagine, it may include a tropical island, waterfalls, whatever you find relaxing. Whilst you are thinking about the sight, smell, and sounds of your surrounding take 20 long, deep breathes. Once you’ve reached 20 you will be ready to begin the muscle relaxation. Start at the toes by tightening (contracting) the muscles in the toes for 5 seconds then relax them. As you relax them feel the tension sink from those muscles and escape the body into the ground. Work your way slowly through the body going to the feet, calves, upper thigh, abdominals, hands, arms, chest, shoulders, neck, and then the face. Each time feeling the body sink deeper into the floor as the tension is released from your muscles. Finish with 10 more deep breathes.


Massage is a great way to promote recovery because it increases blood flow deep into the muscles, and is really relaxing! Swedish massage is generally the lightest form but some people really like a deep tissue massage. Be sure to only consult a suitably qualified and registered masseur.

Hot/Cold Showers

Never do this if you are suffering from a virus or cold or if you have a recent soft tissue injury. It involves alternating the water temperature between hot and cold for set periods.

Start by having a shower with the water at the usual temperature and clean your skin with soap. The temperature is then alternated between hot (35-38°C) for 1-2 minutes, then cold (10-16°C) for 10-30 seconds. Repeat this 3 times then finish with a shower at normal temperature. Always drink plenty of water when you get out.

Hot/Cold Spa

Guidelines are the same as for the Hot/Cold Showers but 3-4 minutes is spent in the spa and 30-60 seconds is spent in the cold bath.

Rest Days

If you exercise every other day of the week do nothing on this day. Sunday’s are great for this!


Sleep is often what people do when they have finished everything else for that day but it must become a higher priority. A lack of sleep makes people irrational, moody, and low on energy. Try to get 7-9 hours sleep per night. To ensure a great night sleep try to avoid too much alcohol, caffeine, nicotine and high protein meals.

Cross Training

Cross Training is participating in an activity which is different to your normal training regime. Indoor rock-climbing, cycling, rowing, basketball, or in-line skating are just a few examples. The only requirement is that the intensity must be light.


Just kick back, relax, and listen to any music that you enjoy. You will be surprised at how mentally refreshing this can be!


Go and watch a new movie at the cinema or hire out one of your favorites from the video store. Once again, a great way to relieve stress and relax mentally!

Relaxation Music can comfort the soul if you let it in. Just like in Eminem song - Loose Yourself, Just Loose it !! Relaxation Music can only be thoroughly enjoyed if you loosen up and let go. Although relaxation music will help you relax, you need to really enjoy the moment to appreciate the experience.

When you loosen up and let go you are able to breathe and have the time to experience the longevity and vibrancy of life.

Let me explain.

You may want to loosen up and let go but something stops you.

Working as a volunteer, I teach relaxation by the bedside to heart, stroke and cancer patients in hospitals.

I noticed that there was a myth that was stopping people from loosening up and letting go. The myth is that relaxation music is from the outside.

Here is an example of what I mean.

One older gentleman who had had a stroke told me that in the past (when he was much younger) he had found relaxation by pleasing his dad. This desire made him forsake his own family because to please his dad, he was always attempting to change the world. Changing the world meant that he got his dad's approval.

When his dad finally acknowledged his effort (giving him a pat on the back) he felt relaxed. Now after having a stroke at the age of 67 he has decided it was time to spend some time with his own family.

It took a stroke for this gentleman to become aware that his relaxation music was within him. He is now more aware of the need to breathe and have time to experience the longevity and vibrancy of life.

Relaxation Music is part of your environment (Classical music, the many sounds of nature and your favorite music). It is a part of you.

One exercise you may consider would be to decide to allow relaxation music in on a daily basis. When you decide to loosen up and let go so that relaxation music can come into you, you will also provide the music within you a chance to play with music of a similar resonance. This resonance will now allow you to breathe and have time to experience the longevity and vibrancy of life.

In conclusion:

Relaxation music is always available. However, your busy lifestyle, combined with the myth that relaxation music is from the outside, make it near impossible to loosen up and let go.

If you were to consider letting in relaxation music wherever you notice the feeling of the sounds on a daily basis, then you will find it easier to loosen up, let go, breathe and have time to experience the longevity and vibrancy of life.

Life is busy, filled with deadlines, commitments and must-dos. Even if we thrive on living at such a fast pace of life, the constant state of physical and mental high alert that results can take its toll on our minds and bodies, influencing how we feel, what we think and, ultimately, how we behave.

By simply relaxing, we can go a long way towards counteracting the negative side effects of our hectic lives. Whether feeling stressed, tired or just in need of a bit of luxury, we could all benefit from allowing ourselves to relax more.

Relaxation hypnosis is a fast, effective and enduring way of achieving all the physical, emotional and cognitive benefits of deep relaxation.

Generally speaking, hypnosis, as used within clinical hypnotherapy, involves the induction of a deeply relaxed physical and mental state, a state in which the critical faculties of the mind are temporarily suspended. But relaxation hypnosis goes that little bit further. It focuses exclusively on counteracting those negative physical, emotional and cognitive side effects of worry, stress and tension.

Relaxation hypnosis uses suggestion to progressively relax the physical body, encouraging waves of warm comfort to flow through the body, soothing, smoothing, releasing and relieving tired, tight muscles; relaxing the body from head to toe.

Direct positive suggestions guide the body's internal mechanisms to effortlessly slow and regulate breathing and heart rate, to allow stress hormones to subside, body organs to work effectively, and to stimulate the body's natural immune system.

Visual imagery is a vital part of the relaxation process. It encourages and deepens relaxation, using the power and creativity of the imagination to divert attention away from negative thinking, providing tranquil rest and sanctuary for the mind.

Beneficial post-hypnotic suggestions (constructive, often therapeutic suggestions given to a person whilst in a state of hypnosis, that are carried out post hypnosis) are also made, for remaining calm, peaceful and relaxed even after the relaxation hypnosis session is over.

If you're looking for a wonderfully relaxing 'mind massage'; affordable, enjoyable and enduringly effective method relaxation hypnosis is your answer.

A relaxation CD serves many purposes. When you listen to a relaxation CD that helps you relax, you have more energy to enjoy the fun of living a healthy life.

So what is relaxing in?

Let’s say you went to a beach with beautiful white sand on a warm summer day. You could hear the crash of the waves as they lashed against the sand. You entered the nice warm water but something strange happened, you could not submerge yourself in the water, you ended up actually sitting on top of the water.

What you really want to do is be aware of the crystal clear water by being in the water.

A relaxation CD which helps you relax takes you into the water so that you can have an experience.

A relaxation CD may even go the extra mile and allow you to get answers to your questions so that you can relax and have more energy to enjoy the fun of living a healthy life.

Not all relaxation CDs are alike. Some are longer and some are shorter. A good relaxation CD should resonate within you when you follow the instructions.

You may know how to relax but you may not have a daily schedule for practicing how to relax. A relaxation CD that helps to relax quickly and effectively gives you more energy to enjoy the fun of living a healthy life.

A relaxation CD that helps you relax quickly is very important because you may not have the time to listen to a long relaxation CD. A relaxation CD which has a drive through effect is a good way for you to stop and breathe in your very busy schedule. Stopping and breathing makes you relax rather than sitting all stressed out on top of the water.

This means that a relaxation CD that lets you relax gives you more energy to enjoy the fun of living a healthy life.

In conclusion:

A relaxation CD in order to be beneficial must allow you have a relaxing experience. You cannot have an experience if you are not involved in the process. When you are involved in the process of relaxation and have the added benefit of getting answers to your questions then you have more energy to enjoy the fun of living a healthy life.

Progressive relaxation exercised are based upon an awareness of tensions within various parts of your body and an awareness of how these same parts of your body feel when they are relaxed.

Once you are able to recognize the difference between tension and relaxation it is then a matter of slowly learning how to focus your attention on relaxation of any tense areas to bring about both fast and effective relief.

Although we often think that we know what it feels like when we are tense or when we are relaxed, few of us have ever really taken the time to consider in detail just what these states feel like and would find it very difficult to describe our feelings.

Here is an exercise that is designed to help you to learn to sense both tension and relaxation within various areas of your body.

1. Find somewhere that is quiet, either indoors or outside, and lie on your back in a comfortable position. Take a few deep, cleansing breaths, breathing in through your nostrils and then out through your mouth.

2. Then, starting at your feet, begin to tense your muscles one group at a time. Begin by making fists with your toes and, as you hold the tension in your toes, add further tension to your whole foot. Now, start work progressively up your body adding tension to your ankles, calves, and knees. Throughout this exercise it is important to focus your attention on specific muscle groups but you should also be careful to ensure that you continue breathing normally.

3. Gradually and slowly work your way up your body moving on to your upper legs, lower abdomen, chest, hands, arms and shoulders all the way up to your neck and head. Contract the muscles of your face, your eyes and your jaw. By now, your entire body should be one tight ball of tension.

4. Hold this tension for a moment and pay particular attention to how it feels. Are your muscles quivering? Does it ache? Do you feel any pain?

5. Now imagine that from a source high above your head an immense "shower" of relaxation begins to flow over you. Imagine warm, soothing water pouring first onto the top of your head and then running down across your face and relax those muscles in response to this shower.

6. Work slowly concentrating your attention of just one part of your body at a time and imagine the water continuing to flow over you, relaxing all of the muscles in your body as it moves down through each part of your body in turn until it reaches your toes and you are completely relaxed.

7. Once you reach your toes, continue to picture yourself bathed in relaxation and take note of just how your muscles feel now and how the gentle "burn" of your muscles spreads a warm glow throughout your body.

8. Breathe deeply in through your nose and out through your mouth several times to help restore oxygen to your muscles and, if you still feel tense, then simply repeat the exercise until you feel completely relaxed.

Pools - A Place for Recreation and Relaxation

Imagine a hot summer day where you come back from the days work tired, hot and sweaty. What better way to relax and cool off than a swim in your own backyard pool, just lounge in the pool and let the day's worries float away...No membership fee. No driving to the gym.

Splashing around in the water through the hot summer sounds like heaven for the kids as well. You can easily keep your kids happily occupied for hours with pool toys such as water slides, volleyball, float etc. Watch them splash, throw, squirt and have a blast playing with these pool toys in the swimming pool.

A backyard swimming pool can be your greatest joy and pleasure. Whether you want a place to entertain friends or family, a gathering spot for your kids to enjoy, a private place where you can swim anytime of the day or night, or you just want to beautify your backyard.

The soothing sound of water from a waterfall or spillover spa can add to your relaxation. With the addition of a heater, slide, diving board, safety cover or outdoor toys and games, your retreat can bring enjoyment to people of all ages. Fiber optic lighting can further give a soothing ambiance to your evenings and add beauty to your backyard paradise.

A pool definitely brings family and friends closer together while enhancing your quality of life through recreation and relaxation. You can enjoy swimming pool parties with your friends and family, enjoy a big weekend splash. Having your own pool gives you the freedom to do so any time any day.

Since swimming has therapeutic benefits, backyard pools can be great additions for more than simply entertaining. They make sense as a low impact way to strengthen muscles or just relax. Swimming, water walking, or water aerobics can be ideal for people with physical disabilities or injuries.

In fact you actually can allow your swimming pool to freeze over in the winter and use it as a skating rink. That is of course if you live in a climate that sees a couple months of below freezing temperatures, you're an ideal candidate.

Today, almost any shape is possible from elongated lap pools to vanishing edge pool or infinity pools where the water seems to tumble off the edge of the earth. In fact, most pools are modified to meet the needs of the homeowner to include amenities such as a kid's pool, Jacuzzi, or a counter-current machine for exercise. All you really need to design your own pool is a spark of creativity and a contractor.

A swimming pool is something the entire family can enjoy and benefit from. It offers fun, fitness, relaxation, recreation and entertainment. So dive in! And have fun.

When you're looking for a relaxed, comfortable style, consider adding hammock chairs to your home or backyard. Porches, patios, backyards, and quiet reading nooks make great places to place a hammock chair. You'll love the feeling of floating above the ground and the cool Island style that they'll bring to your space.

Most people love the feel of relaxing in a great hammock on a sunny day. However, hammocks can be difficult to get in and out of and they don't always fit in the shady spaces of your home and yard. When you have a smaller space or want a more upright sitting position, hammock chairs make a terrific option. Today, you can find a wide range of styles, colors, and designs in hammock chairs.

To use a hammock chair, you'll need something sturdy to hang the chair from. Porches, ceilings, and sturdy tree limbs all work great. You'll want some room around the chair so that you can swing or move in it if you want. If you don't have a suitable place to hang the chair from, you can purchase a chair stand. These are generally made from steel and they can support up to 300 pounds or more. The stands come in different styles and sizes.

Another place to put a hammock chair that you may not have considered is a child's bedroom. Older kids will love having one of these chairs in their room to read in, watch TV, or play video games. The chairs are comfortable, durable, and fun. Put one up in the corner of the room which will save space for other furniture, but still give you child something to sit in. With all the different styles and colors, you'll find one that works with the decor of the bedroom.

Porches make another great spot to put a hammock chair in, particularly if you don't have enough room for a regular hammock or want to have several hammock chairs in the space. The chairs offer weather resistant fabrics and ropes so you won't need to worry about hauling them in every time it rains. You'll soon find that family members gravitate towards the porch to hang out, read, and talk to one another.

Hammock chairs make a great option for many areas of your home. You'll feel like you've escaped to your own tropical retreat when you settle into their comfort. With a hammock chair, you'll get a comfortable indoor/outdoor chair that you won't have to spend a fortune on.

Camping can be a great experience, especially for first time campers. It can be challenging and very enjoyable, despite leaving the comforts of home and spending some time roughing it in the outdoors. Of course, you still need to bring some camping gear and essential items with you.

Generally, a good deal on a purchase is only a good deal if it does what you need it to or serves its purpose. This is important to keep in mind when shopping for camping gear and supplies. Finding good deals on camping items will be useless if the items do not do what they are supposed to.

Having the proper camping items is important to an enjoyable camping trip. You may be roughing it away from home, but relaxation is still on the itinerary during these outdoor vacations. So, be sure you have the best equipment for you and the other campers.

For instance, a discounted tent may appear to be a great deal when you are standing in a warm, dry sporting shop. But, you will feel differently once you are sleeping in it. You will probably will you purchased a larger tent. For this reason, it is important to consider your needs when shopping for camping equipment, supplies packages and other essential camping items.

Tents range in size to comfortably fit one person to a dozen. Some are a simple, one-room style while others have mid-sections, divisions and even detachable awnings. Consider how much you will use your tent, how many people it needs to accommodate and how you will use the tent whether just for sleeping or also for lounging during the day.

If you plan to only sleep in the tent, a smaller size should be fine and provide a comfortable camping trip. A good guideline to follow is to consider how many people are camping. This not only indicates how many people will be sleeping inside the tent, but generally the more campers you have the more likely you will want to entertain inside the tent in addition to sleeping.

You will also need to purchase camping goods. Some of the basics include sleeping bags, of course, bed rolls and ground sheets. Those with larger sized tents may want to get a small, portable table and chairs also for entertaining and eating purposes. Keep in mind, though, that you must transport all of the items to the campsite. The more you bring, the more you will have to tow.

It is always a good idea to shop around when purchasing camping goods. Some items are only sold at specific camping or sporting stores. It never hurts to ask to negotiate a discount on the item which is especially true if you are buying many items at one time.

A variety of stores sell some of the basic camping items today, such as tents and sleeping bags. For the more popular items, searching online can often reveal the best shops to visit, though you may find that many camping items can be purchased at a very low price online. You may not have to go into a store at all!

Whether you are on the giving or receiving end, no one can deny that a body massage is a great way to unwind after the end of the day. However, did you know that massage can do a lot more than just help you relax? While practitioners of homeopathic medicine have known this for quite a while, more studies are beginning show us how very useful massage can be. While we might get massages from our spouses, families or close friends, there is a lot to be said for getting a professional massage.

The first thing to think about is what happens during a massage. If you go to a professional therapist, you'll find that he or she will be able to provide you with a chair or a table to lie down on. You'll be asked to strip down to the level where you feel most comfortable or that is necessary for the massage, and you will have a towel draped discreetly over your hips. Typically, what happens next will be determined by what kind of massage you get. For instance, deep tissue massage will feel a lot rougher than something that is more mild.

You'll find that during the massage, more oxygen will flow to your body and your blood circulation will improve a great deal. When we are stressed and tense, our muscles will lock up, and continuous muscle tension will lead to many problems later on down the line. You'll find that by getting a massage, your body will start relaxing, making many aches and pains simply disappear. You'll find that a massage, far from exhausting you, will encourage you to let go of fatigue, tension and soreness.

There are many benefits that people attribute to massage. Through the advanced blood circulation, the massage will assist in weight loss and make muscles a great deal less tense. You'll also find that because the massage therapist will use oils, that your skin will be nourished and feel a great deal more refreshed. Similarly, there is a great deal of physical and mental stress that is simply released when you get a massage. You'll feel a general sense of well being as you relax. Many people feel that they get a great night's sleep after they have been massaged.

Then too, you will find that although the touching is quite professional, that it has a mental health benefit as well. It is thoroughly documented that people touch each other less now than they ever have, and because touch is such an important need, we are suffering for it. If you are in a situation where you have not been touched in a long time, massage therapy can help you find an enhanced sense of wellness that has been absent in your life. Don't underestimate your human need for gentle, platonic touch.

What time of day is best to practice is whenever it will best fit your schedule. For beginners to make meditation a habit it is recommended to set a definite time. This way if you miss your meditation appointment you are aware of the omission and can reschedule with yourself before the day is over.

When beginning to meditate, it is good to have a routine or ritual. Routine and ritual will key the mind into what is going to follow. The routine / ritual can be simple or elaborate, whatever suits your personality.

A basic routine is deciding to relax and meditate every day at the same time and in the same setting. Meditating in the same place when starting is also helpful to develop habit and focus.

The optimum setting is one that is comfortable and quiet with minimum distractions obviously away from telephones, TV, adults or children interrupting. Some meditators have to compromise on comfort to gain quiet. I know people who meditate in their bathroom or garage to access quiet time. You might want to try several locations before settling on your favorite. If you are interrupted, just acknowledge what is happening and return to your practice when possible. Eventually you will be able to be in a light meditative state anywhere, even with your eyes open.

Ritual can be as simple as just knowing it is the time that you decided to meditate and going to your meditation place. Or, you can elaborate and use candles, incense, crystals and other background objects that aid your sensation of peace or power.

I do not recommend using music during meditation as your mind will listen to the music instead of focusing. Keeping brief notes or a journal on your daily sessions is also recommended.

It is best to wear non-restrictive clothing with as much natural fiber as possible. Loosen belts, ties and if possible remove shoes and socks for some styles.

Sit however is comfortable for you. If you enjoy sitting with a pillow on the floor, go for it. It is also perfectly acceptable to sit with a straight back in a chair and let the chair support your back. (I sit in a chair with my back supported and my legs crossed under me.) Your legs do not need to be crossed and the feet can rest on the floor. Observe the position of your shoulders, neck and head. Relax your shoulders down and lengthen them straight out. Relax your neck muscles. Feel that your head is balanced and centered on your neck. Image that your head is a fish bowl and if it is tipped forward or back, you will spill water and fish out! Check if your jaw is relaxed by allowing the lower jaw to drop slightly.

Breathe through your nose. Begin each lesson observing a few breathes expanding the abdomen on the inhale and contracting the abdomen on the exhale. More detailed breathing instructions are given in the Zen lesson.

How long to meditate? A ten to fifteen minute meditation session will give you results. If you choose to meditate longer, it is because you enjoy the activity (or should I say non-activity). Greater results are not necessarily achieved by time spent in practice as much as your consistency and concentration during practice. Decide how long your meditation will be. Choose whatever works best for you to time the session. Set a timer to ring when your session ends or tell your mind to alert you when the set time has passed. Eventually your mind will know precisely when your set time is up. Do not use this method until you have perfected it if you are on a tight schedule.

During mediation and visualization you will be aware of any outer physical situation that requires your immediate attention. Mediation is a state of heightened awareness not of unconsciousness.

Relaxation Magic

Hypnosis, meditation and visualization are three similar processes for accessing a creative area of the sub-conscious mind. Relaxation Magic lessons use a combination of all three therapies for maximum results. With the exception of people who have mental disabilities such as schizophrenia and severe retardation, everyone can achieve the relaxed focus of hypnosis, meditation and visualization by themselves.

Within themselves everyone has their own unique solutions for solving a situation they want to work on

The way I work is to help a person first reach a relaxed state and then through visualizations find personal imagery to explore their situation. One reason I feel hypnosis, meditation and visualization are so potent for problem solving is that areas of stress can be reached indirectly through analogies and a situation can be discussed without causing more discomfort

Recent research is confirming how connected the mind is in creating and eliminating physical problems. Physicians can fix the body but the mind can create the situation again. This is why adding the mind to a health program is the optimum method for total healing.

The first step to being in control of your life is being in control of your mind. If you’re not controlling your thoughts, who is?

Meditation and visualization enable you to communicate with your physical body, to relax mental and muscle tension even regulate autonomous body systems. Documentation has been out for years that meditation masters can control their heart rate and body temperature. Perhaps we will never need to use body heat to dry wet robes in frigid weather but being in peaceful control of ourselves mentally and physically is an ideal goal.

-- When brand new at any endeavor it is always best to start at the beginning. To experience maximum results with the advanced Active Visualization Lesson spend the ten to fifteen minutes daily building your mental muscles with the beginning lessons.

-- Be Relaxed Anytime Anywhere and Recognizing & Reprogramming Self Defeating Behaviors lessons may be utilized without first completing the beginning lessons.

-- Breathe, breathe, breathe I can’t say it enough. The ultimate quickest way to relax is to breathe.

These technique are very effective in bringing about relaxation. At first, it may take a while to master, but once there, you’ll wonder how you ever coped without it.

This technique is useful if you have limited time.

  1. Find a space free from interruption.

  2. Begin by closing your eyes. Imagine yourself to be calm and relaxed.

  3. Breathe in slowly and calmly. As you breathe out, release all the tension within you.

  4. Imagine you are inhaling calm and exhaling stress, freeing it from your body.

  5. Continue this way until you feel your body and mind are relaxed.

Find a warm, comfortable room, free from interruption. Wear loose comfortable clothing. If you have a relaxation CD, use it, although it is not necessary. Follow these steps:

  1. Lie on your back or sit down in a comfortable position.

  2. Rest your arms at your sides, palms facing down.

  3. Inhale and exhale slowly and deeply.

  4. As you breathe, clench your hands into fists and squeeze them for 15 seconds. Focus on your fists only, feeling the tension in the muscles.

  5. Then let your hands relax. Feel the release of tension from the muscles.

  6. Continue in this way working through your body.

  7. You will want to tense and relax your face, shoulders, back, stomach, pelvis, legs, feet, and toes.

  8. Hold for 15 seconds and then relax your body for 30 seconds before moving on. As you relax, your body will feel like it is sinking into the ground.

  9. By the end your body will feel really heavy and relaxed.

  10. Lie still for a moment, enjoying this state of being.

Here are some ideas to help you relax and reduce stress. Remember you know yourself best, so do whatever suits you and makes you happy.

  • Exercise. Experts emphasize the importance of exercise in our life. Research indicates that just 10 minutes of exercise is all that is needed to put people in a more positive mood. Exercise has been shown to enhance self-esteem and lower anxiety and depression.

  • Attend a yoga class, or buy a DVD or book, which you can use at home.

  • Try Tai Chi.

  • Deep breathing. This is particularly helpful when faced with a potentially stressful situation. Breathe slowly in through your nose, filling your lungs as you do so, then release the air slowly out through your mouth.

  • Laugh!

  • Think about a funny video. Research has shown that by just thinking about a funny video reduced stress hormones.

  • Listen to a relaxation CD.

  • Talk to someone -- whether it is a friend, family member or counselor.

  • Get yourself a pet. A study in America had stockbrokers look after a pet. When they later encountered a situation that would normally cause stress, these stockbrokers’ blood pressure levels were half that of those who did not get to look after a pet.

  • Have a massage.

  • Have a bath. Use your favorite oils and for maximum relaxation light some candles.

  • Read a book. This is such an easy way to escape the world for a while.

  • Indulge in your favorite hobby. You could always try something new, that you know you will enjoy.

  • Eat a ( healthy ) diet.

  • Limit your intake of alcohol and caffeine.

  • Don’t smoke.

  • Take your annual leave. Give yourself regular breaks and try to slot a regular vacation into your schedule.

  • Sleep well.

  • Praise yourself. It’s easy to rely on others to praise our actions. However we get disappointed when this doesn’t happen. So to avoid disappointment, give yourself a pat on the back instead.

Relaxation : Definition

Posted by DimO | 8:29 PM | , | 0 comments »

Relaxation -- what is it?

Relaxation is the opposite of stress. It helps reduce tension levels and reverse the symptoms associated with stress. We are also better able to cope with future stressful situations. It is well worth finding time each day to relax.

Why is it so important?

When we are relaxed, stress is reduced. Symptoms of stress disappear since it is very hard for our bodies to feel stressed and relaxed at the same time. This in itself calms us mentally. We no longer feel anxious, our thoughts have calmed and we are at ease once more.

Medical treatments, aromatherapy, and all the tired old "over-the-counter" prescriptions are just too boring anymore when it comes to treating insomnia or other sleep related problems. You need something new! Now there is a really exciting and effective technique that can be used to deal with Insomnia and other sleep disorders and it is called the Progressive Muscle Relaxation Technique.

What does this technique really do and how does it help to induce sleep? Well, there are number of good things it does and they work quite well to solve your sleeping problems. This is a technique that is used to tighten a certain group of muscles and then induce a relaxation stage afterwards that can reduce the overall tension in your body as you progress through the process. It is now being practiced widely by many people to relieve depression, anxiety, and stress. It is also used to treat insomnia as well as other habitual muscle pains in the body. It is being more commonly suggested for use amongst practitioners that have learned the technique of tensing and relaxing the muscles one group at a time. They concentrate on each group individually and thereby flush out the stresses and relieve the overall tension from each particular muscle part.

You can perform progressive muscle relaxation yourself by gradually starting the technique in your limbs and then moving to your facial area and your abdomen until you finally reach your upper body area. This technique is required for about 10 to 20 minutes a day and you will really be surprised with the results. It will show you some small but effective changes in your body that will lead to more overall relaxation.

This targets every area of your body and also provides ample contraction periods that result in a feeling of relaxation after each repetition. It then reduces the nervous feeling of "exasperation" in your muscles and replaces it with a feeling more like drowsiness to put you in the mood for a real rest. This practice can be easily done at home at anytime of the day and especially when you are having difficulty falling asleep. This is a fun alternative to try and get yourself in the mood for bed. It is also very simple and a very practical way to aid yourself in sleeping. It is especially great for those people who are hesitant to try over-the-counter treatments or who have found the herbal medications to be ineffective.

Progressive muscle relaxation is very easy and sort of like reading a book before bed. It is just something simple you can do to get yourself in the mood for sleeping. All you have to do is just clear your mind of anything and gradually contract your muscles at one leg for 2-3 minutes while inhaling and exhaling slowly. Then move to your other leg and to each of your arms, always contracting the muscles for a few seconds and then releasing them. Feel that wonderful relaxation after you release?
That is the technique starting to take effect!

Your mindset helps a lot when it comes to this. Set your mind to experience the feeling of relaxation each time you release the contraction and you will begin to get the idea of how you can fall asleep after you are done. Soon you will feel relaxed with the technique and you will start to feel very light. You will get a lot better at putting yourself to sleep in no time.

This is a very simple and convenient way to help you fall asleep. The technique has often been used on Insomnia patients with great success. It is safer than those drug medications for sleep disorders and it will not cost you any money at all. It fits with the saying that "mental serenity and calmness starts with relaxation". With Progressive Muscle Relaxation, you are more than assured of a relaxed muscle and a relaxed body that will lead to a calmer state of mind. You do not need to worry any longer about having to go through all that sleep difficulty. With some very simple and basic contractions, you will learn to teach your body how to relax and your mind will then follow. Go try it out and have a great rest tonight!

With all the stress that we have in our lives and all the many things that we have to get done in a a very small amount of time, it is important to find some time in the day to relax and let our body calm. If you don't do this you are most likely to acquire illness, because your body has less defenses.

You can do techniques for relaxation at any time of the day in the morning, at work, at home or at night. In fact I encourage that you do some relaxation techniques during the day or when you are in pressure for any kind of event.

But I want to encourage you to at least do sleep relaxation, before you go to sleep or while you are sleeping you can use some techniques to help you relax. This is going to help you sleep better and wake up with much more energy that the they before. So what can you do to relax while sleeping?
You can buy some relaxation music and listen to it before going to be or while you are sleeping. Your subconscious mind will hear the music and relax your body.

Another way to get ready to relax before sleeping is to stretch your self a little bit, take a deep breath and stress one of your muscles hold it and then release the tension and your breath. It will help you a lot.

The best music to hear when going to sleep is very easy-listening music like piano music, classical music and even better music that features nature sounds of waves, birds and wind.

Do it every day of the week before sleeping and you will feel much better. Also don't eat too much before going to sleep it can be difficult for your body to digest at night. Eat just a little bit or eat 4 hours before going to bed.

Have you noticed that you tend to be forgetful and spaced out whenever you are tired, depressed, anxious or simply stressed out? You tend to forget where you placed your keys or where you parked your car when your mind is preoccupied with a lot of issues and problems. Many experts believe that stress plays a major role in the decline of a person's cognitive functions, including memory and organizational skills. Thus, people who live in perpetual state of stress may suffer from faster deterioration of brain functions.

On average, people who are in their 40s may experience some foggy moments. The frequency of memory lapses and cognition difficulties will start to accelerate as a person becomes older. Much like the rest of your body, your brain will eventually succumb to aging. However, you can do something to delay the aging process. There are many people who are in their 80s and 90s who still have sharp memories and superb cognitive skills.

Many studies have confirmed that giving your brain some time to rest and relax from hectic workday will help a lot in slowing down the brain's aging process. Below are effective ways in which you can give your brain time to relax and restore cells in order to avert its deterioration:

Listen To Music

Many say that listening to Mozart can help bolster your brainpower. Although some studies have confirmed that listening to Mozart's sonata have indeed helped some people, many scientists believe that the calming effect of listening to Mozart is the key in improving cognitive processes. Thus, if you want to enhance your brain functions, you just need to find out what type of music relaxes your mind.

Meditate Regularly

Yoga and tai chi lessons can really help you learn a lot of meditation techniques that can help you de-stress. However, if you do not have time to attend such classes, you can actually perform simple meditation methods to help relax your tensed muscles and clear your mind of pressure, anxiety and other stress factors.

Closing your eyes and taking your mind off problems and just concentrating on your breathing for a
few minutes a day can help a lot in boosting your mental abilities.

Mind Your Posture

You need to make sure that you stand or sit up straight whenever you are doing mental activities or taking tests. Probably, slouching may affect your cognitive skills because your muscles and spine are tensed and uncomfortable.

De-stress By Breathing Deeply

Your brain needs oxygen to function well. Thus, you need to breathe deeply every so often to take in more oxygen. Besides, inhaling deeply can also help calm you down and ease your nerves.

Check Out Hypnosis Audios

If you want your brain to function at its peak, you need to feed it with positive stimulation and motivation. Hypnosis can help send positive subliminal messages that are aimed at making you feel about yourself and bolstering your mental acuity.

Try Doing Something That You Truly Like And Enjoy

One effective way to de-stress and relax is to engage in activities that you enjoy, such as playing board games with your family, swimming with your friends, building a dollhouse for your daughter, enrolling in a painting class, or exercising your vocal chords in a karaoke bar. However, watching television for hours is one activity that many people enjoy but is not really that helpful in preventing the deterioration of your brain cells.